Thursday, April 07, 2011

Councils’ advertising deals make sense
The resolution of the conflict between several councils and the publishers in their area over the publication of statutory notices and vacancies in council publications, rather than the publishers’ titles, seems to be a win-win.
While using their own titles to publish these essential pieces of information which council tax payers need to be aware of may have saved the councils money, a broader analysis might well have shown that using local established commercial titles might have led to them being read by more residents because the amount of time spent reading established papers was likely to be higher than that for council-produced ones. So it’s better for local democratic accountability.
It also won’t harm the relationship with the local press, to the benefit of both parties.
My one reservation is deals which give all the advertising to one group. It should be split among more than one, where possible, to ensure the messages reach as many residents as possible and ensure there’s no perception of favouritism and a cosy relationship with one title or group.
Helping to maintain local accountability through sustaining a free and independent local press isn’t a bad thing either.

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