Tuesday, July 19, 2011

So how convincing were the News International trio?

If you had to measure the chances of News Corporation recovering from the whole phone hacking scandal by the performances of the three leading players in Parliament today, you’d have to say they were good.
I, for one, was very much convinced of the sincerity of Rupert Murdoch (if he wasn’t sincere, he should get an Oscar) and only slightly less so by that of his son James.
Rebecca Brooks? Considerably less so. There are just too many awkward questions she can’t firmly and confidently answer. But it’s still possible she’ll be cleared of clearly knowing about what went on.
If I were doing their PR I’d feel things had taken a turn for the better today. Under intense scrutiny, they seemed to do all the right things. Most of all by being there and answering as fully as they did. Repeating the ‘taking the 5th’ strategy of the Maxwell brothers years ago would have been a disaster. They were absolutely right to speak as fully as they did.
But there are still lots of awkward questions to deal with and, most importantly, be seen to deal with properly

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